In the time of COVID-19 and quarantine, you still need a way to connect with your doctor. Understandably, many people are gravitating towards telehealth for their primary care. Telehealth offers a safe, no-contact way to receive ongoing support for your health needs, chronic conditions, goals, and more.

Peer-reviewed journal BMC examined data from PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Science Direct and concluded that telehealth is an effective method to help fight COVID-19.

“Telehealth should be an important tool in caring services while keeping patients and health providers safe during COVID-19 outbreak.” – BMC

Online care can help you prevent, diagnose, treat, and control conditions and diseases when in-person healthcare options are less preferable. Because of its inherent ability to prevent physical contact while still offering continuity in care, telehealth is a key health tool people can take advantage of during COVID-19.

Which type of telehealth is right for you?

Not all telehealth services provide the same level of care. Some offer strictly urgent care services, which can be great when something sudden happens and you need to see a doctor immediately. However, these urgent care apps aren’t useful when you want long-term preventive care. If your goal is to get healthy or improve chronic conditions, you’re better off seeking ongoing online primary care, like SteadyMD.

SteadyMD is your personal doctor, online. Instead of one-off appointments, you get to build a real relationship with a doctor over time. This doctor is matched to you based on your answers to a quick quiz, which helps identify which doctor would best suit your individual needs. Get ongoing care if you want help managing chronic conditions, getting into shape, eating better, preventing disease, getting your prescriptions sent to you, doing labs, and more. With SteadyMD, you have a partner in your care who is there anytime you need for follow-up questions and who helps you build a health plan that’s right for you.

Today, too many people don’t have a primary care doctor at all. The impacts of COVID-19 have illuminated just how important it is to make sure you’re staying as healthy as possible so that you can best protect yourself from illness and optimize the quality of your life. Studies show that telehealth is very effective during COVID-19, as is regularly checking in with a primary care doctor.

SteadyMD combines the best of both worlds: a doctor who’s there for you when you need no matter where you are, and a doctor who knows you, has time for you, and dedicates real attention to your care.

Take the 2-min quiz to see who your perfect doctor match would be.