Jenny Labaw is a  5X CrossFit Games competitor, nutritional therapy practitioner, strength and conditioning coach, and “proud SteadyMD patient”. She was diagnosed with Epilepsy when she was eight years old and has since advocated for its awareness throughout her athletic career. 

Her healthcare journey stems from wanting a doctor who could take a more personalized approach to her care. A friend of hers recommended SteadyMD and the rest is history. We sat down with SteadyMD patient, Jenny Labaw, to interview her about the progress she’s made with her SteadyMD doctor: This is her story: 


An Approach that Works for Me

I’m very open about the fact that I have Epilepsy. A year before I started using SteadyMD I got off medication for epilepsy that I have been taking since I was 8 years old. In that process. In the evolution of my own knowledge and profession, I now realize how important the functional side of medicine is. Your stress levels, diet, exercise regimen, friendships/community, supplement practice all of that. Working with Dr. Dani allows me to dial in on all of those lifestyle practices to make me a better whole person, without having the fear of being off this medication for the 1st time in my life. To this day I’m still seizure free.



The Healthiest Version of Myself

I was sold when I had an hour-long consultation with Dr. Dani Urcuyo. We talked about my goals, lifestyle, wants, and concerns. We talked about my stress levels, my food, exercise. He takes a whole gamut (range) of my lifestyle to better understand my health. 

When you work with someone on your health and they understand who you are, what you are, what you want to be, and where you want to go, you become unstoppable. That’s how you’re going to make change. That’s how you’re going to become the most healthy version of yourself.


Understanding the Person, Not Just Seeing a Condition

I love that this isn’t a doctor telling me what to do. This is a doctor working with you and creating a health plan that’s best for you. I’m a former CrossFit Games athlete and my doctor is irreplaceable because he understands the importance of fitness and lifestyle and not just medicine. 

I have access to my doctor who has my best interests at their heart at any point that I need it. The doctor that I got matched with has commonalities with me. Whether they practice the same sport or share the same values. With SteadyMD I know that I am a priority. 

I was able to have a real conversation with my doctor about where I’m at now and where I want to be. It was a working process where he really understood me. Not a condition or diagnosis, but understanding me as a person. 


Food Makes Us Who We Are

Food makes us who we are. If we’re putting in junk into our bodies then we’re definitely going to get junk out of it. I’ve been in the field of health and wellness for 15 years now, but in these last several years, I dove more into diet and nutrition. I’ve most recently become a nutritional therapy practitioner. 

If you’re putting int his whole nutrient dense awesomeness into your system, then you’re going to get the same results back out. I firmly believe that food is medicine. Working with my SteadyMD doctor is like a collaboration. I’m learning a ton from him and because I have some of the knowledge myself, it’s fun to bounce ideas back and forth on which foods I can get the most nutrients, vitamins, and minerals out of. It’s a team effort.

SteadyMD is like having your doctor, best friend, and coach all in one. It’s a person that really cares about you, but also has the knowledge to actually help you and the vision for your health. 

SteadyMD is an online platform and resource that gives you access to your doctor remotely. You can reach out to your doctor anytime. It’s online, but you can still have bloodwork and labs done or have prescriptions sent to your local pharmacy. Your SteadyMD doctor will even communicate with any in-person doctor or specialist that you may have to see, but the benefit is that you’ll always have access to your online doctor.


SteadyMD pairs you with a doctor based on your diet, lifestyle and medical concerns, not just someone who happens to be local. Click here to take our 90 second quiz to get matched with a doctor based on your medical needs, dietary preferences and lifestyle.